FIG 1.
Primary characterization of baculovirus-derived antigens by Western blotting. (A) Cell culture supernatants from baculovirus-inoculated Sf9 cells expressing Signal-FUS4-c-myc-GST (lane 1), Signal-FUS8-c-myc-GST (lane 2), and Signal-c-myc-GST (lane 3) were resolved on a 10% polyacrylamide gel, transferred to nitrocellulose, and probed with a monoclonal antibody against c-myc. (B) Western blot of a nonreducing gel analyzed with a monoclonal antibody against GST to further characterize the Signal-FUS4-c-myc-GST protein (lane 4). The black arrow points to the band of the expected size; red arrows point to bands of unexpected sizes. Note that the gel shown in panel B had to be overloaded to make the bands clearly visible. The positions of relevant molecular size markers are indicated (lanes M), and the numbers on the left are in kilodaltons.