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. 2018 Oct 22;155(4):855–867. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2018.09.030

Table 1.

Sleep Study and Oximetry Parameters Associated With Postoperative Outcomes

Study/Year No. of Patients Study Design Sleep Study Type Monitoring Device PAP Use Parameter (Oxygen Desaturation Criteria) Outcome Findings (Complications vs No Complications)
Upper airway surgery
 Asha’ari et al27/2017 95 Cohort-R Lab-PSG Crystal Sapphire (CleveMed) Yes, if using preop AHI Postop Cx NS
Minimum Spo2 Postop Cx OR 1.03 for per 5% decrease,a mean 68% vs 79%a
Longest apnea duration Postop Cx OR 1.03 per 5-s increase,a mean 51 vs 39 sa
 Kandasamy et al25/2013 345 Cohort-R Lab-PSG NR Not routine AHI O2 in PACU OR 2.2 for AHI ≥ 22 vs < 22a
O2 on ward 37.4 vs 31.4a
 Kezirian et al24/2006 255 Nested case-control Lab-PSG NR NR AHI Postop Cx Mean 53 vs 39a
 Kim et al41/2005 153 Cohort-R Lab-PSG NR NR AHI Postop Cx Mean 68 vs 49a
 Pang et al26/2012 487 (6)b Cohort-R Level III oximetry WatchPAT 100 (Itamar Medical) 50% preop CPAP trial for 1-2 wk AHI Postop Spo2 desaturation Mean AHI 67 vs 47
Minimum Spo2 Postop Spo2 desaturation Mean 61% vs 75%
Cardiac surgery
 Foldvary-Schaefer et al39/2015 107 Cohort-P Lab-PSG Crystal Monitor 20H Preop PAP use excluded AHI (≥ 3%) Postop Cx NS
LVEF (baseline) Mean 44% vs 53% in patients with AHI ≥ 15 vs < 15a
CT90 CT90 > 0 associated with significantly greater BMI, longer intraop ET time, and more prolonged intubation
 Kaw et al32/2017 190 Cohort-R Lab-PSG Nihon Kohden 24% preop use AHI (≥ 3%) OR 1.06 per 5-unit increase in AHIa in unadjusted analysis (OR 1.04 in adjusted analysis; P > .05)
AF Effect modification with BMI > 32 kg/m2
Minimum Spo2 Postop Cx NS
Minimum Spo2 Postop Cx 71% vs 78%a
 Kua et al34/2016 150 Cohort-P Level III oximetry WatchPAT 200 (Itamar Medical) Preop PAP use excluded AHI AHI OR 2.9 for AHI ≥ 15a
 Roggenbach et al33/2014 92 Cohort-P Level III oximetry MiniScreen 4 (Heinen and Löwenstein) Postop CPAP if needed AHI (≥ 3%) Delirium OR 6.04 for AHI ≥ 19a
Mean Spo2 Delirium NS
Minimum Spo2 Delirium NS
CT90 Delirium NS
 Unosawa et al51/2012 89 Cohort-P Level IV oximetry SAS-2100 (Nihon Kohden) No AHI (postop) AF NS
PVC 19.2% vs 3.2% between AHI ≥ 15 vs < 15a
Minimum Spo2 Minimum Spo2 78% vs 87% between postop AHI ≥ 15 vs < 15a
Vascular surgery
 Utriainen et al35/2014 82 Cohort-P Lab-PSG Embla/Somnologica (Natus) No AHI (≥ 4%) MACCE HR 5.1 AHI ≥ 20 vs AHI < 20 for a median follow-up of 52 moa
Bariatric surgery
 Turan et al40/2015 218 Cohort-R Lab-PSG NR 63% using preop CPAP CT90 Opioid consumption Decrease in median postop opioid consumption by 16% per 5% increase in CT90a
Minimum Spo2 Opioid consumption NS
AHI Opioid consumption NS
 Weingarten et al30/2011 797 Cohort-R Lab-PSG NR 82% using preop PAP; postop PAP applied if preop use AHI (≥ 2 or 4) Postop Cx NS among AHI categories (mild 5 ≤ AHI < 15, moderate 15 ≤ AHI < 30, severe AHI ≥ 30)
Other populations undergoing surgery
 Chung et al21/2014 573 Cohort-P Level IV oximetry PULSOX-300i (Konica Minolta Sensing) None, undiagnosed OSA ODI 4 Postop Cx OR 2.2 for ODI > 29a
CT90 Postop Cx OR 2.6 for CT90 > 7%a
Mean Spo2 Postop Cx OR 2.8 for mean Spo2 < 93%a
 Devaraj et al22/2017 245 Cohort-P Level III oximetry ApneaLink Plus (ResMed) None, undiagnosed OSA AHI (≥ 3%) Postop Cx OR 3.6 for AHI ≥ 5 (within 7 d postop)a
OR 3.5 for AHI ≥ 5 (within 30 d postop)a
Postop desaturation OR 6 for AHI ≥ 5
 Hwang et al37/2008 172 Cohort-P Level IV oximetry NR None, undiagnosed OSA ODI 4 Postop Cx OR 7.0 for ODI ≥ 5a
CT90 Postop Cx Mean 21% vs 10%a
 Kaw et al53/2016 519 Cohort-R Lab-PSG NR 24% preop PAP use AHI ICU LOS AHI (per 15-unit increase) associated with increased ICU LOS in OHS cohort (β coefficient, 0.009)a
 Mador et al42/2013 284 Cohort-R Lab-PSG NR Yes AHI Postop Cx OR 2.0 for AHI ≥ 5 vs < 5a
OR 2.3 for AHI 5 to < 30 vs AHI < 5a
OR 1.92 for AHI 5 to <15 vs AHI < 5 (NS)
OR 2.13 for AHI ≥ 30 vs AHI < 5 (NS)
Respiratory Cx OR 2.05 for AHI ≥ 5 vs < 5a
OR 2.18 for AHI 5 to < 15 vs AHI < 5a
OR 2.01 for AHI 15 to < 30 vs AHI < 5 (NS)
OR 2.07 AHI ≥ 30 vs < 5 (NS)
Cardiac Cx NS
 Mason et al38/2017 122 Cohort-P Level IV oximetry PULSOX-300i (Konica Minolta Sensing) NR ODI 4 Postop Cx OR 1.1 per increase by 1 unita
NS for arrhythmia
 Mutter et al31/2014 20,442 Cohort-R Lab-PSG NR NR AHI Respiratory Cx OR 2.7 for AHI ≥ 30a
19,405 Cohort-R Lab-PSG NR NR AHI Cardiac Cx OR 2.2 for cardiac Cx undiagnosed OSA vs OR 0.75 for diagnosed OSAa
OR 2.7 for cardiac Cx in severe undiagnosed OSA + AHI ≥ 30 vs control groupa
 Subramani et al12/2017 3 Case reports Lab-PSG NR NR AHI Critical events Mean AHI 30, all patients with AHI > 15

AF = atrial fibrillation; AHI = apnea-hypopnea index (expressed in events per hour); Cohort-P = prospective cohort; Cohort-R = retrospective cohort; CT90 = cumulative time percentage with Spo2 < 90%; Cx = complication; ET = endotracheal tube; HR = hazard ratio; intraop = intraoperative; Lab = laboratory; LOS = length of stay; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; MACCE = major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (includes cardiac death, myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, angina pectoris requiring hospitalization, and stroke as a combined end point); NR = not reported; NS = not significant; O2 = oxygen; ODI = oxygen desaturation index; OHS = obesity hypoventilation syndrome; PACU = postanesthesia care unit; PAP = positive airway pressure; postop = postoperative; preop = preoperative; PSG = polysomnography; PVC = premature ventricular contraction; Spo2 = oxyhemoglobin saturation.


P < .05 vs control group (no complication).


The number in parentheses indicates the number of patients with complications studied.