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. 2018 Jun 12;28(6):613–629. doi: 10.1017/S2045796018000288

Table 2.

Profile of participants (n = 1825) on selected demographic, clinical and service characteristics, and suitability indicators for evidence-based psychosocial interventions (EBPIs)

Demographic characteristics N reporting n (%)
Age group 1825
18–34 years 773 (42.4)
35–65 yearsa 1052 (57.6)
Male 1825 1087 (59.6)
In a marital or de facto relationship 1825 312 (17.1)
English is first language 1825 1657 (90.8)
Completed 12 years of education 1802 574 (31.9)
Clinical characteristics N reporting n (%)
Personal and social performance (PSP) score 1825
Poor functioning (0–30) 90 (4.9)
Varying degrees of disability (31–70) 1412 (77.4)
Absence of disability or only mild difficulties (71–100) 323 (17.7)
Course of disorder 1825
Single episode 147 (8.1)
Multiple episodes with good recovery 542 (29.7)
Multiple episodes with partial recovery 580 (31.8)
Continuous chronic illness 376 (20.6)
Continuous chronic illness with deterioration 180 (9.9)
Insight present about disorder (lifetime) 1825 1389 (76.1)
Lifetime diagnosis of alcohol abuse/dependence (Yes) 1825 921 (50.5)
Lifetime diagnosis of other substance abuse/dependence (Yes) 1825 995 (54.5)
Non-Affective Psychosis 1825 1150 (63.0)
Positive symptoms (present state) (Yes) 1825 1015 (55.6)
Number of negative symptoms (past year) 1825
0–1 534 (29.3)
2–4 889 (48.7)
5–6 402 (22.0)
Digit Symbol Coding Test 1609
More than 1 s.d. below mean 223 (14.4)
Within 1 s.d. of mean 1124 (69.4)
Greater than 1 s.d. above mean 262 (16.2)
National Adult Reading Test Full Scale IQ estimate 1546
More than 1 s.d. below mean 267 (17.3)
Within 1 s.d. of mean 1000 (64.7)
Greater than 1 s.d. above mean 279 (18.0)
Service Characteristics N reporting n (%)
Accessed Non-Government Organisation (past year) (Yes) 1802 544 (30.2)
Community Treatment Order in past year (Yes) 1825 350 (19.2)
Case manager 1100
Medical registrar 77 (7)
Nurse 549 (49.9)
Psychologist 72 (6.5)
Social worker 310 (28.2)
Occupational therapist 92 (8.4)
Satisfaction with a case manager 1261
Very satisfied 806 (63.9)
Somewhat satisfied 279 (22.1)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 84 (6.7)
Somewhat dissatisfied 49 (3.9)
Very dissatisfied 43 (3.4)
Suitability indicators N reporting n (%)
Poor functioning (PSP < 31) 1825 90 (4.9)
Two or more mental health admissions (past year) 1825 225 (12.3)
Uncontrolled symptoms of mental illness in top three challenges in next year (Yes) 1825 469 (25.7)
Substance use in past year (No) 1809 1139 (63.0)
Mental health admission in past year (Yes) 1809 626 (34.6)

Note: aThe sample was limited to persons aged 18–64, but one participant had turned 65 by the time of the interview.

s.d., standard deviation.