Figure 1.
Three-isotope plots showing Xe composition in the Allende Curious Marie CAI. Green diamonds represent various Xe components, red numbers are extraction temperatures, error bars are 1σ. (a) – the linear correlation between 128Xe and 129Xe (dashed line) is characteristic of iodine-derived Xe, where the slope of the line depends on the thermal neutron fluence. 129*Xe is a decay product of now extinct 129I (T1/2 = 16 Ma). 128*Xe is produced by cosmic ray secondary neutron capture on 127I. (b) – contribution from 244Pu fission; addition of 132Xe-G shifts experimental points along the dashed correlation line. (c) – the Xe isotopic composition after subtraction of the 244Pu contribution is a three-component mixture of trapped Xe-Q, Xe-G and cosmogenic Xe, produced by cosmic ray particle spallation. Shown are two Xe cosmogenic compositions: Xe-cos1 – estimated from the Angra dos Reis angrite mineral fractions30 and Xe-cos2 – calculated for the aubrite Pesyanoe31. The 1250°C experimental point shows the highest Xe-G contribution.