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. 2004 Oct 18;2004(4):CD003367. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003367.pub2

4. Quality of life.

Trial ID Instruments used Summary of findings
ANZ BCTG 8614 Patients completed 14 linear analogue self‐assessment scales. Clinicians used the Spitzer QL index. Completion rates for each instrument are not available. No significant differences in patient or clinician rated overall QOL were reported between the treatment groups at 3 months. Patients on CMFP rated significantly higher for mood, pain, feeling sick, vomiting, appetite/taste and sexual interest, but worse for hair loss that patients on MTZ.
Harper Wynne 1999 HADS and RSCL (plus 3 satisfaction questions) pre‐treatment and at weeks 12 and 24 (or on withdrawal) Only 35 (30%) completed all 3 assessments. Reported no evidence of a difference between treatment groups.
IDBBC EORTC 10923 Patients completed EORTC QLQ‐C30 and Rotterdam Symptom Checklist 64% of randomised patients completed baseline QLQ‐C30 and 61% completed baseline RSCL. QOL comparisons were only performed for the first 3 cycles. Doxorubicin was associated with significantly more nausea/vomiting, loss of appetite and burden of disease and treatment, but less bone pain and rash.
Fraser 1993 Patients completed 3 quality of life instruments: 4 weekly Nottingham Health Profile (NHP ‐ emotional state, energy, pain, physical mobility, sleep and social factors ) and Linear Analogue Self‐Assessment (LASA) at the start of treatment and four weekly thereafter and the Qualitator daily dairy card throughout treatment which measured the domains of physical symptoms, social factors, emotional factors and physical performance. Of the 40 patients randomised, compliance for the 29 who started the Qualitator, the 37 who started the NHP and 36 who started the LASA respectively were 88%, 89% and 92%. Quality of life measures only recorded a significant difference in energy and pain, influenced primarily by the non responders in each treatment group but with no difference in overall global scores. Scores for responders (58% for CMF, 29% for epirubicin P>0.05), irrespective of treatment were better to start with (LASA P=0.001); at 12 weeks, scores had improved (Qualitator P<0.05; NHP P<0.05) . Scores in non responders showed no change.
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