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. 2013 Jun 13;2013(6):CD002878. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002878.pub2

1. Results of meta‐analysis individual patient data.

Outcomes Trial Number (nocturnal‐NIPPV/control) Tx Effect* 95% CI Homogeneity of Tx
Effect, P Value
PaO2 (3 months) Casanova 2000; Clini 2002; Gay 1996; Meecham Jones 1995; Sin 2007; Strumpf 1991 79/83 1.30 ‐0.71 to 3.30 0.4787
PaO2 (12 months) Clini 2002; McEvoy 2009 62/56 ‐1.77 ‐8.60 to 5.07 0.2412
PaCO2 (3 months) Casanova 2000; Clini 2002; Gay 1996; Meecham Jones 1995; Sin 2007; Strumpf 1991 79/83 ‐2.50 ‐5.28 to 0.29 0.2607
PaCO2 (12 months) Clini 2002; McEvoy 2009 62/56 ‐0.96 ‐3.55 to 1.64 0.8290
6MWD (3 months) Gay 1996; Meecham Jones 1995; Sin 2007 21/19 27.7 ‐11.0 to 66.3 0.5662
6MWD (12 months) Clini 2002 25/21  3.2 ‐49.7 to 56.1
SGRQ Total (12 months) Clini 2002; McEvoy 2009 50/53 0.90 ‐19.21 to 21.01 0.0288
FEV1 (3 months) Casanova 2000; Gay 1996; Meecham Jones 1995; Sin 2007; Strumpf 1991 42/41 ‐0.01 ‐0.09 to 0.07 0.2413
FEV1 (12 months) Clini 2002; McEvoy 2009 63/62 ‐0.01 ‐0.07 to 0.04 0.7445
FVC (3 months) Casanova 2000; Clini 2002; Gay 1996; Meecham Jones 1995; Sin 2007; Strumpf 1991 42/40 0.00 ‐0.13 to 0.14 0.9570
FVC (12 months) Clini 2002; McEvoy 2009 63/62 0.04 ‐0.12 to 0.20 0.4510
PImax (3 months) Casanova 2000; Gay 1996; Strumpf 1991 24/24 4.87 ‐1.48 to 11.21 0.5538
PImax (12 months) Clini 2002 29/23  ‐2.31 ‐9.50, 4.89
PEmax (3 months) Casanova 2000; Gay 1996; Strumpf 1991 24/24 22.09 ‐23.53 to 67.70 0.0002
Sleep efficiency (3 months) Gay 1996; Meecham Jones 1995; Strumpf 1991 13/11 ‐9.11 ‐38.09 to 19.86 0.0022

6MWD: 6‐minute walking distance; CI: confidence interval; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC: forced vital capacity; NIPPV: non‐invasive positive pressure ventilation; PaCO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension; PaO2:arterial oxygen tension; PEmax: maximal expiratory pressure; PImax: maximal inspiratory pressure; SGRQ‐Total: total score on the St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire; Tx effect: treatment effect.

* An overall treatment effect (mean difference and associated 95% CI) was obtained from the difference in scores under each study condition (NIPPV minus controls). Individual patient data were analysed using a linear mixed model to compare the treatment effects. Treatment and time of follow‐up (3 and 12 months) were analysed with interaction terms as fixed factors. To consider the homogeneity among trials, a random factor was defined in the statistical models. Statistical significance (P value < 0.05) in the test of homogeneity suggested that the observed difference in the treatment effects was in part attributable to the study effect.