Fig. 1.
Patterns of Daily Violence, Alcohol, Marijuana, and other Drug Use by Day of Week. (a) Probability of any daily violence by day of week.a (b) Probability of Alcohol, Marijuana, and other drug use by day of week.b (c) Daily Quantity of Alcohol Use and Daily Frequency of Marijuana Use by Day of Weekc.
aData are based on participants who reported at least one incident of violence during the daily diary period. The “day of week” variable is coded so that each day corresponds to the day being reported on, e.g., results for Friday are based on reports completed on Saturday. bData are based on participants who reported at least one occasion of marijuana, alcohol, opioid, or illicit drug use during the daily diary period. Alcohol and Marijuana use are based on a binary coded version of a frequency question. The “day of week” variable is coded so that each day corresponds to the day being reported on, e.g., results for Friday are based on reports completed on Saturday. cAmong those who reported any alcohol use during the daily diary period, the average number of daily drinks was 4.4 (SD = 5.6). Among those who reported any marijuana use during the daily diary period, the average frequency of daily marijuana use was 2.8 (SD = 1.5). The “day of week” variable is coded so that each day corresponds to the day being reported on, e.g., results for Friday are based on reports completed on Saturday.