Clustering of patients with severe irAEs based on peripheral blood T-cell parameters.
(A) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering using three T-cell parameters (Th17/Th1pre, Ki-67post, and eTregpost/pre) in 13 patients with severe irAEs (1 patient/row). The z-scores are column normalized. (B) Th17/Th1pre in the Th17-related subgroup (n = 3) and all patients other than the Th17-related subgroup (n = 88), (C) Ki-67post in the CD8-related subgroup (n = 3) and all patients other than the CD8-related subgroup (n = 88), and (D) eTregpost/pre in the Treg-related subgroup (n = 3) and all patients other than the Treg-related subgroup (n = 88). (E) The percentage of TNF-α+ cells among CD4+ (CD4TNFpost) or (F) CD8+ (CD8TNFpost) T cells in the NOS subgroup (n = 4) and all patients other than the NOS subgroup (n = 87). (G) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering using five T-cell parameters (eTregpost/pre, Th17/Th1pre, Ki-67post, CD4TNFpost, and CD8TNFpost) in the 13 patients with severe irAEs (1 patient/row). The z-scores are column normalized. Error bars indicate standard deviation of the mean. Statistical analyses were performed using Mann–Whitney U test (B-F). *P < .05, ***P < .001.