Acceptor photo-bleaching (APB) experiment for visualizing active Fyn in U2OS cells co-expressing FRET donor (Fyn WT) and acceptor (myr-mVenus-F29) FynSensor constructs. (A) APB shows cellular FRET and localized Fyn activity. Representative figure shows donor and acceptor fluorescence images, prior to and after laser-based bleaching of acceptor with 514 nm laser pulse. Also shown is the corresponding ∆Donor image (see Materials and methods) (Scale bar = 10 μm). APB experiments reveal areas showing greater recovery of donor fluorescence after APB indicating spatially localized Fyn activity (B) APB-induced recovery of donor fluorescence is greater at the cell periphery and sensitive to bleaching light dosage. Percentage recovery of donor fluorescence in FynSensor-expressing cells, after acceptor photobleaching at different light dosage (using Equation 2, see Materials and methods), plotted as a function of distance from the cell edge. Extent of recovery also shown at different light dosage. Bleaching is carried out for 10 s using the 514 nm laser line at 2X, 5X and 10X doses (X = 0.069 mW). Lines represent mean of n = 14 cells for 10X, n = 9 cells for 5X, n = 7 cells for 2X, respectively. Values are mean ± s.e.m. (C) FRET signal measured through the APB method is specific (binding dependent) as well as sensitive to APB light doses. Cumulative APB-induced percentage recovery of donor fluorescence observed at the cell periphery in FynSensor-expressing cells (as in B), plotted as a function of light dosage (solid bars). Also, shown extent of recovery when donor-labeled Fyn is used with acceptor-labeled non-binding P41A mutant of F29 (dashed bars). Extent of recovery with non-binding control is minimal and significantly lower than observed for F29 FynSensor. Bars represent mean of n = 14 cells for 10X, n = 9 cells for 5X and n = 7 cells for 2X when binder/F29 is used and n = 14 cells for 10X, n = 10 cells for 5X and n = 8 cells for 2X when non-binder/F29P41A is used, respectively. Student’s unpaired one-tailed t-test was used to determine the p-value. Graph was made using GraphPad Prism. Values are mean ± s.e.m.
Figure 4—source data 1. Light dosage-dependence of donor fluorescence recovery in acceptor photo-bleaching experiment with F29 biosensor.
Figure 4—source data 2. Light dosage-dependence of donor fluorescence recovery in acceptor photo-bleaching experiment with F29 biosensor and non-binding mutant.