Reproduction success of adult fish with prior exposure to 0.001 ppb, 0.1 ppb or 10 ppb DEHP during early developmental stages. Total number of eggs produced, total number of eggs fertilized and total number of successful hatch outs per breeding pair were analyzed over a 40-day study period. Data are expressed as mean ± standard error (n = 5). Differences detected between no. eggs produced, no. eggs fertilized and no. successful hatch outs within the same control/treatment group marked with the same English letter (i.e., a, b) are not significantly different between one another (p > 0.05). The same endpoint measurement (i.e., no. eggs produced, no. eggs fertilized or no. of successful hatch outs by breeding pair with/without prior exposure to different concentrations of DEHP) marked with the same roman number (i.e., i, ii, iii and iv) indicated no significant difference was detected between the controls and other DEHP treatment groups (p > 0.05).