Figure 2.
Interfacial Phenomena between Electrolytes and Li Metal
(A) Li plating/stripping profiles of Li||Li symmetric cells with LiFSI-PC/FEC for different LiFSI concentrations at a current density of 0.2 mA cm−2.
(B) EIS spectra of Li||Li symmetric cells with LiFSI-PC/FEC for different LiFSI concentrations.
(C) Scanning electron microscopic images of Li metal surface after repeated Li plating/stripping test (20 cycles).
(D) XPS C1s (left) and F1s (right) spectra of the SEI layers formed on the Li metal anodes.
(E) Reduction and decomposition reactions for LiFSI(PC)2 complexes from B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) and G4MP2 (in parentheses) QC calculations using PCM(acetone) implicit solvent models.
(F) F-transfer reaction free energy from FSI− to PC⋅ radical from B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) and G4MP2 (in parentheses) calculations using PCM (acetone) implicit solvent models.