Fig. 3.
SNR versus incident power computed for the S14420-3025 SIPM and H10770-40PA PMT. All curves show shot-noise-limited statistics with the SNR (defined as mean divided by standard deviation) equaling the square root of the mean photoelectrons. The number of photons incident is calculated using the specified PDE (29%) and ENF (1.04) of the SIPM at 47v via the PTC method. (a) The PMT shows a small increase in SNR with increasing control voltage, but saturation causes the maximum possible SNR to decrease with increasing gain. (b) In contrast, the SIPM SNR increases much more rapidly with increasing voltage and continues to increase up to the maximum tested voltage. Note that the SIPM at 47v (green line) is duplicated in both plots. Above 47v, the SIPM exceeds the SNR of the GaAsP PMT.