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. 2019 Dec 31;21(1):e18. doi: 10.4142/jvs.2020.21.e18

Table 1. Ethogram of the adult cat vocalization.

Vocalization Definition Context Mouth Spectrogram Reference
Caterwaul or mowl Loud, drawn out whine, variable pitch. May be like the yowl Male: reproductive female: warning [3,5]
Chatter Cat rhythmically clashes the jaws, creating a low-amplitude, smacking sound. Mostly voiceless When desiring prey which is out of reach: displacement + Inline graphic [3,5,8]
Chirp A short, high-pitched call described as similar to a bird chirping. Sequence of chirps are labeled chirrups Contact call: used to locate conspecifics; when something is desired + Inline graphic [3,5,8,53]
Female: produced in or in approach to the nest
Copulatory cry Cry emitted by female cat during successful intromission. Low, barely audible growl Reproductive (female) + [3,43]
Growl A graded, low-pitched, throaty, rumbling noise Aggressive: agonistic. Mainly used to signal danger or to warn or scare off an opponent Slightly open or closed Inline graphic [3,5,9,11,12,15]
Gurgle Short, coherent, pulsed sound described as similar to a person gargling their throat. Largely atonal sounds of low intensity Affiliative: friendly; females with kittens Inline graphic [3,14]
Hiss A drawn-out, low-intensity hissing sound produced by rapid expulsion of air from the cat's mouth, usually during exhalation Agonistic; involuntary reaction to when a cat is surprised by an apparent enemy + Inline graphic [3,5,15,29,35]
Howl Tonal sounds, distinguished from yowls in that howls are typically shorter in duration Agonistic threatening or defensive responses + Inline graphic [5,9]
Mew (meow, miaow) The distinctive “meow” call that is typical of cat Many (social, reproduction, contact call) Open and closed gradually Inline graphic [5,7,12,15,29,30,31,36,41,49]
Moan Long, often slowly frequency-modulated vowel sounds or “o” or “u” Aggressive: agonistic. Mainly used to signal danger or to warn or scare off an opponent Open and closed gradually [5,29]
Murmur Short, soft-voiced trill or purr, sounding like [mhrn] or a creak Friendly approach and play Inline graphic [5,29]
Pain shriek Short intense cries of tense vowels that are characterized by great strain at mouth and throat and the force of breath Active fighting + [9]
Purr Low, continuous rhythmical tone produced during respiration. Creates a murmuring sound. Friendly: contentment. Signal: “I am not a threat” Inline graphic [2,3,5,11,16,29,31,39,42,53]
Solicitation: human-cat interaction
Trills Garnishments, produced with a soft voice like the purr Greeting call [44]
Tweedle Prolonged chirp or tweet often with some voice modulation When something is desired + Inline graphic [8]
Tweet Soft weak chirps, often without any clear initial [Ɂ] and with varying vowel qualities, e.g. [wi] or [ɦɛu] When something is desired + Inline graphic [8]
Snarl Cat bares teeth while emitting a sound similar to a growl, but the sound is usually louder, shorter and higher in pitch than a growl. Aggressive: agonistic + Inline graphic [3,9,29]
Squeak Raspy nasal high-pitched mew-like call Play and anticipation of feeding + [5,13]
Spit Cat makes a sudden, short, explosive exhalation resulting in a burst of noise that is often accompanied by a violent movement Aggressive + Inline graphic [3,5,9,11,29]
Yowl A long, drawn-out vocalization of variable pitch, intensity, duration and tonality Reproductive; mild threat + [2,3,5,9,29,31]

CHA, chatter; CHI, chirps; TWD, tweedle; TWE, tweet.