Proportions of defective HIV-1 DNA sequences from CD4+ T cell subsets during ART (AHI group). The effects of ART duration on the proportions of defective HIV-1 DNA p6-RT sequences in CD4+ T cell subsets sorted from PB (A to D), LNs (E to H), and gut (I to J) are indicated as OR per year on therapy. The 95% confidence intervals for the ORs are indicated in square brackets. Estimated by mixed-effects logistic regression, the fitted curves (red lines) follow the following equation: y = 100 × {1 + exp[−(k + xs)]}−1, where y represents the proportions of defective HIV-1 DNA p6-RT sequences, k represents the y intercept, s represents the coefficient calculated as log(OR), and x represents the years on ART. Each HIV-1 DNA sequence is the unit of analysis, and the denominator for each sequence is a single HIV-1-infected T cell (33, 73). The confidence interval of each data point was derived from the binomial distribution. The odds ratios and their confidence intervals were derived by logistic regression models. Solid blue diamonds, TN cells; solid blue triangles, TCM cells; solid blue circles, TTM cells; solid blue squares, TEM cells, all derived from PB. Solid pink diamonds, TN cells; solid pink triangles, TCM cells; solid pink circles, TTM cells; solid pink squares, TEM cells, all derived from LNs. Solid green triangles, TCTM cells; solid green squares, TEM cells, all derived from the gut.