Upregulation of Osteogenic Genes and Downregulation of Adipogenic Genes by Wnt10b and Foxc2 Activation
(A) Runx2. (B) Opn. (C) Ocn. (D) Osx. (E) Pparγ. (F) C/ebp-α. (G) Fabp4. The rat BMSCs were transduced and cultured as in Figure 3. The gene-expression levels were analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR at days 5 (Pparγ, C/ebp-α, Fabp4, and Runx2), 10 (Opn), or 14 (Ocn and Osx) and normalized to those of the mock-transduced BMSCs at the same day. The data represent mean ± SD of three independent culture experiments. Student’s t test was used to analyze statistical significance.