Figure EV5. Methylation of LSD1 promotes migration and invasion of MDA‐MB‐231, MCF7, and MCF10A cells.
A, BWound‐healing assay of MM‐231‐shLSD1‐WT/R838A/R838K/R838F cells (A) and MCF7‐LSD1‐WT/R838A/R838K/R838F cells (B) with or without MS049 treatment. The wounds were created by scraping the cells with sterile pipette tip. Scale bars, 100 μm.
C, DMigration (C) and invasion assays (D) were conducted in MCF10A cells that co‐expressed CARM1 with LSD1 WT, or one of LSD1 mutants (R838A/R838K/R838F). Representative images of migrated and invaded cells are shown. Data represent the number of cells derived from mean cell counts of five fields (Error bars represent mean ± SD, n = 3 experimental replicates, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ns = not significant, Student's t‐test).
EWound‐healing assays of MCF10A cells that co‐expressed CARM1 with LSD1 WT, or one of LSD1 mutants (R838A/R838K/R838F). The wounds were created by scraping the cells with sterile pipette tip. Scale bars, 100 μm.
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