Deletion of HO‐1 in myeloid lineage did not cause expansion of LT‐HSCs and did not alter their cell cycle status.
Scheme of the experiment assessing long‐term effect of HO‐1‐deficient niche on function of HSCs.
Long‐term PB chimerism derived from HSCs transplanted to HO‐1−/− recipients is lower than from HSCs transplanted to HO‐1+/+ recipients. *P < 0.05, 2‐way ANOVA. Data are shown as mean ± SEM, n = 5–12/group.
D, E
(D) Chimerism among BM HSPC fractions and (E) total number of cells derived from HSCs transplanted to HO‐1−/− recipients are lower than from HSCs transplanted to HO‐1+/+ recipients. Data are shown as mean ± SEM, n = 5–12/group.
HSCs that were initially transplanted to primary HO‐1−/− recipients did not reconstitute secondary HO‐1+/+ recipients, in contrast to HSCs that were initially transplanted to HO‐1+/+ recipients, n = 5–12/group.
Scheme of the experiment assessing short‐term homing of HSPC to HO‐1‐deficient niche.
Short‐term homing of HSPC to HO‐1+/+ or HO‐1−/− BM did not differ. Data are shown as mean ± SEM, n = 5/group, unpaired t‐test.