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. 2020 Jan 29;7:8. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00008

Table 1.

Equations used to estimate the economic losses due to Lumpy skin disease, sheep pox, and goat pox in subsistence producers in Bauchi, Nigeria.

Equation used Abbreviations meaning
Value of the herd before the outbreak VhBeforeOutbreak i =Phc i * Tci+Phs i * Tsi+ Phg i * Tgi Phc i, Phs i, and Phg i are the prices farmer from herd i reported would get paid if they sell healthy cattle, sheep, and goats, respectively
Tc i Ts i, and Tg i are the total cattle, sheep and goats in herd i
Value of the herd after the outbreak VNoAffectedAnimalsAfterOutbreak i =Phcattle i * Nhcattle i+Phsheep i * Nhsheep i+Phgoats i * Nhgoats i VNoAffectedAnimalsAfterOutbreak i represent the value of animals that did not present clinical signs during the outbreak in herd i;
Phcattle i, Phsheep i, Phgoats i price obtained for cattle, sheep, and goats, respectively, without clinical signs (healthy) in herd i;
Nhcattle i, Nhsheep i, and Nhgoats i are the number of cattle, sheep, and goats that did not present clinical signs during the outbreak in herd i
VAffectedAnimalsKeptAfterOutbreak i =Pdcattle i * Ndcattle i+Pdsheep i * Ndsheep i+Pdgoats * Ndgoats i VAffectedAnimalsKeptAfterOutbreak i represent the value of animals that presented clinical signs during the outbreak and were kept in herd i;
Pdcattle i, Pdsheep i, Pdgoats i price of diseased (i.e., presented clinical signs) cattle, sheep, and goats, respectively, in herd i;
Ndcattle i, Ndsheep i, and Ndgoats i are the number of cattle, sheep, and goats that presented clinical signs during the outbreak and were kept in herd i
MoneyLiveAnimalsSoldDuringOutbreak i =Pdcattle i * NdcattleSold i+Pdsheep i * NdsheepSold i+Pdgoats MoneyLiveAnimalsSoldDuringOutbreak i represent the money obtained from affected animals sold during in herd i;
Pdcattle i, Pdsheep i, Pdgoats i price of diseased (i.e., presented clinical signs) cattle, sheep, and goats, respectively, in herd i;
NdcattleSold i, Ndsheepsold i, and NdgoatsSold i is the number of cattle, sheep, and goats sold during the outbreak in herd i
MoneyMeatSoldDuringOutbreak i = MeatdcattleSold i+MeatdsheepSold i+MeatdgoatsSold i MoneyMeatSoldDuringOutbreak is the money obtained from meat sold after slaughtering animals with clinical signs; MeatdcattleSold i, MeatdcattleSold i, and MeatdcattleSold i represent the money obtained from selling cattle meat, sheep meat, and goat meat, respectively.
VhAfterOutbreak i = VAffectedAnimalsKeptAfterOutbreak i+VNoAffectedAnimalsAfterOutbreak i+MoneyLiveAnimalsSoldDuringOutbreak i+MoneyMeatSoldDuringOutbreak i VhAfterAutbreak i is the totalvalue of the herd after the outbreak
Income loss due to reduced milk production MilkIncLoss i = (MilkYieldBeforeOutbreak iMilkYieldDuringOutbreak i) * Outbreakduration i
* Milkprice
MilkIncLoss i represent the income loss due to milk production in herd i;
MilkYieldBeforeOutbreak i is the average daily milk yield before the outbreak in herd i; MilkYieldDuringOutbreak i is the average daily milk yield during the outbreak in herd i; Outbreakduration i is the outbreak duration in herd i;
Milkprice is the average milk price per litter in the study area.
Total economic losses Tlossi = (VhBeforeOutbreak iVhAfterOutbreak i)+Txi+MilkIncLoss i Tloss i represent the economic losses in herd or flock i; VhBeforOutbreak i represent the value of herd i before the outbreak; VhAfterOutbreak the value of herd i at the end of the outbreak; Tx i is the money spent in treatment in herd i and MilkLoss i is the economic losses due to milk loss in herd i.