Cumulative incidence of death by cause. (A) All patients. (B) All patients by International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group (IGCCCG risk) (*) one patient with seminoma who did not have any markers was classified as having good risk. Five-year cumulative incidence of disease-related death rate: good, 6.5%; intermediate, 33.4%; poor, 56.4%; P < .001; 5-year cumulative incidence of death as a result of other causes rate: good, 1.4%; intermediate, 0%; poor, 0%; P = .93. (C) Patients with nonseminomatous germ cell tumor. (D) Patients with nonseminomatous germ cell tumor by International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group (5-year cumulative incidence of disease-related death rate: good, 5.8%; intermediate, 34.0%; poor, 56.4%; P < .001; 5-year cumulative incidence of death as a result of other causes rate: good, 0%; intermediate, 0%; and poor, 0%; P = .66).