Table 2. LC50 of new substances and FPF tested against 3rd instars larvae of A. darlingi at the interval of 48 hours.
Substances | LC50 μg/mL | Regression equation | χ2 | DF |
3a | 0.57 | y = (0.26+5) + 1.10*log x | 0.02 | 3 |
3b | 0.97 | y = (0.01+5) + 1.50*log x | 4.70 | 3 |
3c | 0.90 | y = (0.06+5) + 1.35*log x | 2.83 | 3 |
5 | 4.93 | y = (7.33+5) - 5.08*log x | 1.46 | 3 |
FPF | 1.18 | y = (3.02+5) - 0.22*log x | 3.30 | 3 |
LC50: Median Lethal Concentration, χ2: Neill's lack-of-fit test, DF: degrees of freedom