Fig 1. Neuron types in the optic lobe.
(A) Model showing a sample of neuron types in the optic lobe. The neuropils of the OL and the layers of each neuropil are shown in grey. La: lamina. Me: medulla. Lo: lobula. Lop: lobula plate. Mer: medulla rim. (B) Lawf2 neurons homogeneous MARCM clone. Arrowheads indicate projections in the lamina (yellow) and cell bodies in the medulla cortex (white). Projections reach M1 and M9 of the medulla neuropil (labeled with DN-cadherin in red). (C) T1 homogeneous MARCM clone. Arrowheads indicate projection in the lamina (yellow), cell bodies in the medulla cortex (white). (D) Lcn7 neurons homogeneous twin spot MARCM clone. Cell bodies (white arrowheads) and projections (yellow arrowheads) remain in the lobula. (E) T2-T3 neurons homogeneous twin spot MARCM clone. Projections are in the medulla (white arrowhead) and lobula (yellow arrowhead). (Neuropils in D and E stained in blue with DN-cadherin).