Table 2.
Overview of the adverse weather indices used in this study.
Indicator name | Effect on wheat | Event trigger / Indicator description | |
1 | Frost with no snow | Leaf chlorosis; burning of leaf tips, severe crop damage (Trnka et al., 2010b) | Tmin a ≤ −20 °C for at least 1 day with no or very limited snow coverb (< 1 cm snow) |
2 | Late frost | After the loss of winter-hardiness leads to leaf chlorosis, floret sterility, damage to lower stem (Gusta and Fowler, 1976; Petr, 1991) | Tmin a is ≤ −2 °C, after mean air temperature is continuously 10 °C (for at least 5 days) and does not drop below 10 °C for more than 2 days in a row |
3 | Extremely wet early season | Occurrence of diseases, nitrogen leaching, waterlogging and root anoxia (Bartholomeus et al., 2008; Malik et al., 2002) | Soil moisture is at or above field capacity for >60 days from sowing to anthesis. Days with a mean temperature <3 °C are not counted |
4 | Lodging | Severe reduction of yield and grain quality, through increased harvest losses and exposure to diseases (Berry et al., 2003; Russell and Wilson, 1994) | At least 2 days (from anthesis to 5 days before maturity) with daily precipitation >40 mm, or >20 mm and soil moisture on the previous day at or above field capacity. |
5 | Grain filling extreme heat | Speeds up development and decreases yield until the growth stops (Nasehzadeh and Ellis, 2017; Savill et al., 2018) | Tmaxc > 35 °C for at least 3 days during the period from 5 days after anthesis to maturity |
6 | Adverse sowing conditions | Restricts the ability to use the appropriate sowing window (Trnka et al., 2014, 2011) | Fewer than 3 days during the sowing windowd with the soil moisture in the top layer <90% but >5% and rain on the day is <5 mm and ≤10 mm on the preceding day |
7 | Adverse harvest conditions | Restricts the ability to harvest at the most appropriate time (Trnka et al., 2014, 2011) | Fewer than 3 days during the harvest windowe with soil moisture in the top layer <85% and rain on the given day is <0.5 mm and ≤5 mm on the preceding day |
8 | Heat stress index (HSI) | Heat stress during the reproductive period causes partial or complete sterility of the florets (Alghabari et al., 2014; Porter and Gawith, 1999) | where Ywh is water and heat limited yield of heat sensitive, drought tolerant, Mercia. |
9 | Drought stress index (DSI) | Drought stress during the reproductive period causes premature abortion of florets and sterility (Dong et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2017) | where Ywd is water-limited yield of drought sensitive, heat tolerant, Mercia. |
10 | Water stress index (WSI) | Water stress during the entire growing season causes severe reduction of growth or crop die back (Jamieson et al., 1998) | where Y is potential yield (not limited by water) of heat and drought tolerant Mercia, Yw is water-limited yield (rain fed only) of heat and drought tolerant Mercia. |
The Tmin minimum daily temperature was measured 2 m above ground; thus, the actual crop temperature might be even lower.
The snow cover was estimated using a model validated by Trnka et al. (2010b).
The Tmax maximum daily temperature was measured 2 m above ground.
The sowing window is sowing date ±15 days.
The harvest window is maturity date + 5 days, to maturity + 25 days.