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. 2019 Aug 16;4(1):31–36. doi: 10.22603/ssrr.2019-0045

Table 1.

Diagnoses, Age at Surgery, Gender, and Spinal Parameters at Pre-op and Follow-up in the APC Group, Used with Permission23).

APC Diagnosis Age Gender Follow-up time Cobb angle AVT Kyphosis Sagittal balance Spine length Coronal balance
Pre FU Pre FU Pre FU Pre FU Pre FU Pre FU
1 Syndromic scoliosis 7 M 24 57 59 34 69 N/A 281 299 5 20
2 Congenital scoliosis 5 F 15 69 53 38 18 281 293 6 24
3 Syndromic scoliosis 3 M 20 40 52 13 29 260 244 2 2
4 Syndromic scoliosis 6 M 24 69 33 56 23 244 292 10 25
5 Congenital scoliosis 4 F 24 61 46 25 25 233 258 6 3
6 Congenital scoliosis 3 F 24 47 32 26 30 231 238 37 3
7 Congenital scoliosis 3 F 16 40 32 34 38 273 296 13 8
8 Syndromic scoliosis 6 F 8 48 51 32 26 343 396 4 17
9 Neurofibromatosis 7 F 15 63 60 39 34 299 292 11 18
10 Syndromic scoliosis, Noonan syndrome 5 F 14 92 55 56 44 211 245 23 19
11 Neurofibromatosis with scoliosis 5 M 12 82 79 57 57 284 317 48 22
12 Congenital scoliosis 3 F 12 62 60 46 52 229 253 2 3
13 Achondroplasia with kyphoscoliosis 3 M 97 53 30 26 24 54 62 24 14 240 251 8 14
14 Congenital kyphoscoliosis 4 M 74 42 38 29 27 32 10 40 57 282 322 57 3
15 Muscular dystrophy kyphoscoliosis 4 F 72 50 34 19 9 40 12 23 65 218 264 2 1
16 Syndromic kyphoscoliosis 6 M 42 55 41 47 14 55 38 28 26 251 278 42 3
17 Congenital kyphoscoliosis 4.5 F 85 20 21 17 8 45 25 22 8 262 313 21 23
18 Mucopolysach. kyphoscoliosis 5 F 32 27 14 28 9 55 16 124 51 174 216 15 16
19 Achondroplasia with kyphoscoliosis 5 M 12 45 48 42 38 100 23 34 20 274 280 6 12
20 Congenital kyphoscoliosis T9-L2 3 F 24 55 39 8 7 76 24 23 8 227 270 4 3
p-value (2-tailed) 0.002 0.2 0.01 0.5 <0.00001
Average 5 12F & 8M 32 54 44 34 29 57 26 40 31 255 281 16 12
Standard deviation 1 27 17 15 14 17 22 17 35 23 37 39 17 9
Maximum 7 97 92 79 57 69 100 62 124 65 343 396 57 25
Minimum 3 8 20 14 8 7 32 10 22 8 174 216 2 1

APC, active apex correction; FU, follow-up; AVT, apical vertebral translation; N/A, they didn’t have abnormal sagittal values and it was purely scoliosis .