Strains are AV84 (AV44 ΔlysA)/pAV20 GØ-RØ, AV84/pAV20 G14-R20, AV84/pAV20 G20-RØ and AV105 (AV84 ΔPBP1b)/pAV20 GØ-RØ, from left to right. The incorporated 3H-mDAP per cell is fit with formula , where is the rate of mDAP incorporation, and the rate of turn-over, the growth rate and the time (min). was measured to be 0.0069 min-1, was fit jointly for all curves and is equal to 0.012 min-1. Left: Colored curves are exponential fits (see Materials and methods) to the raw measurements (open symbols). Each color represents one biological replicate. CPM/OD600 values are proportional to the amount of incorporated mDAP per cell. Right: Fit values for the parameter. Experiment done in minimal medium.