Table 1.
Classification of additional items of the NEI VFQ-25 (10) supplement on to subscales of the NEI VFQ-25
Item | Discussion 1 | Discussion 2 | Subscale agreed |
1. How much difficulty do you have performing tasks when your eyes are tired? |
Consensus not achieved 3 general vision 1 ocular pain |
Consensus achieved | General vision |
2. Because of your vision, how much difficulty do you have identifying objects or performing tasks in bright sunlight? | Consensus achieved | General vision | |
3. Because of your vision, how much difficulty do you have parking a car? | Consensus achieved | Driving | |
4. Because of your vision, how much difficulty do you have using a computer? | Consensus achieved | Near activities | |
5. I have a feeling that my two eyes see differently, even with correction (glasses or contact lenses) | Consensus achieved | General vision | |
6. I have a feeling that my eye or eyelid appearance is unusual |
Consensus not achieved 2 vision specific social functioning 2 general vision |
Consensus achieved | Vision specific social functioning |
7. My vision is blurry, not clear, or “fuzzy” | Consensus achieved | General vision | |
8. I have trouble focusing on or following moving objects | Consensus achieved | General vision | |
9. I have double vision with both eyes open that is not present when either eye is covered | Consensus achieved | General vision | |
10. My eyelid(s) droop |
Consensus not achieved 2 vision specific social functioning 2 general vision |
Consensus achieved | General vision |