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. 2019 May 1;33(10):1577–1583. doi: 10.1038/s41433-019-0452-9

Table 3.

Top surgical preferences based on preoperative intraocular pressure and proportion preferring non-bleb-forming, hardware-free or conjunctival sparing procedures

Pre-operative IOP (mm Hg)* Most preferred procedure
(N/total, %)
Second most preferred procedure
(N/total, %)
Third most preferred procedure
(N/total, %)
Fourth most preferred procedure
(N/total, %)
Non-bleb-forming procedure
N/total (%)
Hardware-free procedure N/total (%) Conjunctiva-sparing procedure (N/total, %)

Xen gel stent*

(63/289, 21.8%)

Trabeculotomy, ab interno

(54/289, 18.7%)

Traditional trabeculectomy

(41/289, 14.2%)

iStent, 2 devices*

(41/289, 14.2%)

136/289 (47.1%) abc 139/289 (48.1%) 190/289 (65.7%)abc

Trabeculotomy, ab interno

(70/288, 24.3%)

Xen gel stent*

(49/288, 17.0%)

iStent, 2 devices*

(46/288, 16.0%)

Traditional trabeculectomy

(48/288, 16.7%)

184/288 (63.9%)bc 154/288 (53.5%) 218/288 (75.7%)bc

iStent, 2 devices*

(54/288, 18.8%)

Trabeculotomy, ab interno

(52/288, 18.1%)

Xen gel stent*

(49/288, 17.0%)

Traditional trabeculectomy

(33/288, 11.5%)

172/288 (59.7%)ac 141/288 (49.0%) 213/288 (74.0%)ac
P value*

a 0.0027


c 0.0001

>0.2 (for all comparisons)

a 0.0369

b 0.0103

c 0.0179

*mm Hg (millimeters of mercury); iStent (Glaukos, San Clemente, CA, USA), Xen gel stent (Allergan, Dublin, Ireland); bold-face (statistically significant comparisons)