When Overexpressed in HEK293 and N2A Cells, GLT8D1 Is Localized to the Golgi Network and Produces Significant Toxicity
(A) The Golgi network was imaged in N2A (top) and HEK293 (bottom) cells using anti-TGN46 (red); GLT8D1-GFP fusion protein was imaged using anti-JL8 (green). Nuclear counterstain (Hoechst) is shown in blue. Scale bar, 50 μm.
(B–E) Overexpression of mutated GLT8D1 increases cytotoxicity (B and C) and reduces metabolic activity (D and E) in HEK293 (B and D) and N2A (C and E) cells compared to overexpression of wild-type protein; all experiments included 6 biological replicates and either 2 (MTT assays) or 4 (LDH assays) technical replicates per biological replicate. ∗p < 0.05.
Error bars represent mean and SD.