Schematic representation of the suggested experimental
for the metabolomics-assisted study of crops and abiotic stresses.
The process starts with the cultivation experiments, which must include
at least two different conditions (e.g., stress and control) and a
representative number of biological replicates. Depending on the study,
different genotypes, varieties, or mutants, susceptible or tolerant,
can be arranged and exposed to the experimental conditions. As pointed
out by Sanchez and collaborators (2012),19 more than two tolerant and sensitive species/cultivars should be
included to avoid a misunderstanding between natural variation and
metabolic tolerance. During this phase, the physiological parameters
can be monitored and registered. The next step is the harvesting.
The plant material (shoots, roots, seed, flowers, stems, or others)
is harvested and promptly frozen in liquid nitrogen to avoid enzymatic
reactions and degradations. In the sequence, the samples can be stored
in a freezer at −80 °C, dried (usually freeze-dried),
or directly extracted from the fresh tissue. Before extraction, the
samples must be powdered, homogenized, and weighted. The best extraction
protocol must be chosen according to the desired purpose (for example,
considering targeted metabolomics analysis or metabolic profiling/fingerprinting)
and also considering the different classes of metabolites that can
be extracted. Usually, internal standardization is required for subsequent
normalizations and data analysis. Then, samples are subjected to the
chemical analysis (using different analytical platforms). In general,
most of the metabolomics protocols include a separation step (by LC
or GC, mainly) hyphenated to the detection technique of choice (usually
MS or NMR in different arrays). After data acquisition, the raw files
are exported for data analysis. The high-throughput process considers
several steps such as the conversion to suitable formats, preprocessing,
normalizations, data cleaning, alignment, and corrections, among others.
Multivariate data analysis methods can be used to evaluate the quality
of the acquired data. Additionally, compounds can be annotated by
comparing the obtained spectra with those available in mass spectral
reference libraries. Still, if necessary, the compounds can be identified
by complete structural elucidation (which requires, most of the time,
isolation and purification). During this process, the information
can be analyzed by different statistical, univariate, or multivariate
data analysis tools. Finally, the metabolomics results can be integrated
with transcriptomics or proteomics data and/or with the corresponding
physiological data for biological interpretation.