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. 2019 Dec 2;9(12):e031705. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031705

Table 2.

Characteristics of the HealthWise Wales cohort and population data from published sources for Wales

Characteristic HealthWise Wales Population data for Wales from published sources
Total who have completed registration form 21 779
Age group
 16–24 years 10% 14%*
 25–44 years 30% 29%
 45–64 years 38% 32%
 65+ years 22% 25%
 Completed by (% of those registered) n=21 746 (99%)
 Male 28% 49%†
 Female 72% 51%
 Completed by (% of those registered) n=21 737 (99%)
Ethnic group
 White 98% 98%‡
 Other 2% 2%
 Completed by (% of those registered) n=14 912 (69%)
Standard occupational classification§
 1. (Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations) 50% 27%¶
 2. (Intermediate occupations) 18% 21%
 3. (Routine and manual occupations) 11% 37%
 Other (Never-worked, long-term unemployed and full-time students) 21% 15%
 Completed by (% of those completing questionnaire) n=13 268 (97%)
Physical activity (GPPAQ)
 Active 35% No comparable
 Moderately active 21% data found
 Moderately inactive 15%
 Inactive 29%
 Completed by (% of those completing questionnaire) n=13 647 (98%)
 Current smoker 10% 19%**
 Ex-smoker 35% 29%
 Never smoked 55% 52%
 Completed by (% of those completing questionnaire) n=13 881 (99%)
Binge drinking in past week 23% 24%††
 Completed by (% of those completing questionnaire) n=12 229 (88%)
Drinking alcohol above guideline levels: 50% 40%††
 Completed by (% of those completing questionnaire) n=12 229 (88%)
Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5) score
 Score consistent with common mental disorder‡‡ 28%
 Completed by (% of those completing questionnaire) n=13 694 (99%)
Diagnosed with or treated for a mental health condition? 32% 13%§§
 Completed by (% of those completing questionnaire) n=13 837 (99%)

*Mid-year population estimates for Wales 2017, Office for National Statistics (from StatsWales,

†Mid-year population estimates for individuals aged 16+ years in Wales 2017, Office for National Statistics (from StatsWales).

‡Population estimates for individuals aged 16+ years in Wales 2011, Office for National Statistics (from StatsWales).

§Using the National Statistics Socioeconomic Classification (NS-SEC, Office for National Statistics).

¶Population estimates for individuals aged 16–74 years in Wales, 2011 UK Census.

**Estimates for individuals 16+ years from the National Survey for Wales 2017–2018 (

††Data for individuals aged 16+ years from the Welsh Health Survey 2015.

‡‡Kelly MJ, Dunstan FD, Lloyd K and Fone D. (2008) Evaluating cut-points for the MHI-5 and MCS using the GHQ-12: a comparison of five different methods. BMC Psychiatry 2008, 8:10.

§§Data for individuals aged 16+ years from the Welsh Health Survey 2015; asked whether they were currently being treated for ‘depression, anxiety or another mental health illness’.

BMC, BioMedCentral; GHQ-12, General Health Questionnaire; GPPAQ, General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire; MCS, Mental Health Component Summary Score; MHI-5, Five-item Mental Health Inventory; NIHR, National Institute for Health Research.