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. 2007 Jul 18;2007(3):CD003494. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003494.pub2

Mynors‐Wallis 2000.

Methods RCT to compare four conditions. 
 Randomisation is stratified (severity of depression). Assessments on four occasions: baseline, 6, 12 and 52 weeks.
Participants 151 patients (aged 18‐65) with major depression (research criteria for major depression, Hamilton rating scale score 13 or more, minimum illness duration 4 weeks) referred by 24 GPs. 
 Therapists: 3 research GPs (and 2 practice nurses).
Interventions T1 (n:39) = problem solving treatment (PST) by GP (stages: clarification of problems, choice of goals, generation of solutions, choice of solutions, implementation of solutions, evaluation). 
 T2 (n:41) = PST by practice nurse. 
 T3 (n:36) = fluvoxamine (100 mg) or paroxetine (20 mg) and general support. 
 T4 (n:35) = combination treatment (medication by GP and PST by nurse). 
 All groups: 6 30‐60‐min sessions in 12 weeks (except T4=12 sessions). 
 Therapists (GPs) received training in PST (theory, treating five patients under supervision), training manual and were supervised throughout trial.
Outcomes 52 week follow‐up: no sign. differences between groups on depression (BDI, Hamilton), psychological symptoms (clinical interview schedule) or social functioning (SAS). 
 Recovered cases (Hamilton <8): T1=24/39, T2=23/41, T3=20/36, T4=23/35 (no significant differences).
Notes non‐compliance: T1=14/39, T2=9/41, T3=6/36, T4=6/35. 
 withdrawal: T1=14/39, T2=13/41, T3=6/36, T4=5/35. 
 no integrity check.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Low risk A ‐ Adequate