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. 2004 Jan 26;2004(1):CD003545. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003545.pub2

Denber 1972.

Methods Allocation: randomly assigned, (random code was unknown until the end of study). 
 Blindness: double (identical capsules dispensed by the research nurse). 
 Design: 2 parallel groups, single centre. 
 Duration: average of 36 days. 
 Analysis: intention‐to‐treat. 
 Country: USA.
Participants Diagnosis: ** 26 schizophrenics; 1 psychose + mental deficiency and 3 involutional psychoses. 
 N=31 (30 patients, one patient participated twice). 
 Age: no data. 
 Sex: only female. 
 Setting: hospital. 
 History: acute illness.
Interventions 1. Trifluoperazine: dose (mean 58.7 mg/day). N=15. 
 1. Thiothixene: dose (mean 49 mg/day). N=16.
Outcomes Side effects: (total number; specific). 
 Global state: (global clinical evaluation). 
 Weight changes. 
 Use of antiparkinson agents. 
 Leaving the study early.
Unable to use ‐ 
 Mental state: (IMPS).
Notes ** Mixed diagnosis, one patient participated twice.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Low risk A ‐ Adequate