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. 2004 Jan 26;2004(1):CD003545. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003545.pub2

Gross 1974.

Methods Allocation: randomly assigned, no further information. 
 Blindness: double (identical capsules). 
 Design: 3 parallel groups, single centre. 
 Duration: 16 weeks (preceded by 4 weeks neuroleptic treatment not exceeding chlorpromazine 500 mg/d, thioridazine 500 mg/d, trifluoperazine 30 mg/d, fluphenazine 30 mg/d) + 36 weeks (extended open evaluation)). 
 Analysis: intention‐to‐treat. 
 Country: USA.
Participants Diagnosis: schizophrenia, no further details. 
 Age: mean ˜ 46 years. 
 Sex: M 37, F 24. 
 Setting: formerly hospitalised (residents of Harbor View House). 
 History: chronic schizophrenia (ill> 2 years or past 3 months hospitalisation with continuous antipsychotic treatment ). 
 Excluded: epilepsy, drug addiction, severe depression, mental retardation, organic brain disease, physical disease, and those receiving heavy sedation.
Interventions 1. Trifluoperazine: range 5‐30 mg/day, mean 17.5 mg. N=20. 
 2. Pimozide: range 2‐12 mg/day (mean 6.3 mg). N=21. 
 3. Placebo: N=20. 
 Antiparkinson medication and chloral hydrate if necessary.
Outcomes Global state: (CGI). 
 Leaving the study early.
Unable to use ‐ 
 Mental state: (BPRS ‐ only graphs). 
 Global state: (CGI ‐ no usable data). 
 Social functioning: (Family Rating Form ‐ no usable data; Harbor view house Resident Rating Report ‐ unpublished scale). 
 Adverse events: (no usable data).
Notes ##High dropout rate(40,1%).
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear