IHC confirms lack of GNAT3- and PLCβ2-expressing Type II cells in Skn-1a-/- mice. A, Lingual sections from Skn-1a-/- and WT littermates were labeled with antibodies against SNAP25 (magenta) and GNAT3 (green) or PLCβ2 (green). In Skn-1a-/-, there was no detectable levels of Type II cell markers GNAT3 or PLCβ2. B, Semi-quantitative IHC reveals increased numbers of Type III cells in circumvallate, fungiform, and soft palate taste buds. Each dot represents a single taste bud. Box plots are summaries of all datapoints. Acquisition settings were equalized between WT and KO for all channels. Images are maximal z-projections of 12- to 16-μm image stacks. CV = circumvallate, FF = fungiform; *p < 0.05 by Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn test for multiple comparisons.