MicroRNA (miR)‐129‐1‐3p is downregulated in human colon cancer cells harboring Src upregulation. A, Relative expression level of miR‐129‐1‐3p in human colon tumors (T) and corresponding noncancerous tissue (N) from individual patients (#1‐10) was analyzed by quantitative real‐time PCR. Relative values ± SD were obtained from 3 independent assays. B, Whole‐tissue lysates in (A) were analyzed by immunoblotting with the indicated Abs. C, miRNA expression profiling in colon cancer tissue vs. paired noncancerous colon tissue, based on a reanalysis of dataset http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE33125. Vertical axis represents the log2 transformed expression level of miR‐129‐1‐3p. Wilcoxon test, P = .0273; fold change, −1.68. D, Schematic model of miR‐129‐1‐3p‐mediated regulation of tumor progression. In normal cells expressing miR‐129‐1‐3p, expression of c‐Src/c‐Yes/Fer is limited to avoid unregulated cell growth and/or motility. Once miR‐129‐1‐3p expression is downregulated by c‐Src activation, expression of c‐Src/c‐Yes/Fer is elevated, resulting in upregulation of Src family of kinase‐mediated oncogenic signaling and stimulation of cell adhesion and invasion