Figure 3.
Network meta-analysis of units SGRQ change from baseline and mortality at end of follow-up Comparisons should be read from left to right. The SGRQ and mortality estimate is located at the intersection often column-defining treatment and the row-defining treatment. For mean overall change in SGRQ, an SMD below 0 favours the column-defining treatment. For mortality, an OR below 1 favours the row-defining treatment. To obtain SMDs for comparisons in the opposing direction, negative values should be converted into positive values and vice versa. To obtain ORs for comparisons in the opposing direction, reciprocals should be taken. Significant results are in bold and underlined. BTVA=bronchoscopic thermal vapor ablation. ABS = airway bypass; EBV = endobronchial valve; ELS = emphysematous lung sealant; IBV = intrabronchial valve; LVRC = lung volume reduction coils; MC = medical care; OR = odds ratio; SC = Sham control; SGRQ = St George's respiratory questionnaire; SMD = standardized mean difference.