Figure 4.
Network meta-analysis of percent change in FEV1. Comparisons should be read from left to right. The percent change in FEV1 estimate is located at the intersection of the column-defining treatment and the row-defining treatment. For percent change in FEV1, an SMD below 0 favours the row-defining treatment. To obtain SMDs for comparisons in the opposing direction, negative values should be converted into positive values and vice versa. Significant results are in bold and underlined. ABS = airway bypass; BTVA = bronchoscopic thermal vapor ablation; EBV = endobronchial valve; ELS = emphysematous lung sealant; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 s; IBV = intra-bronchial valve; LVRC = lung volume reduction coils; MC = medical care; SC = Sham control; SMD = standardized mean di-erence.