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. 2019 Jan 22;32(1):123–138. doi: 10.1007/s10534-018-00167-z

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Relationship between HbA1c concentration and plasma zinc, copper, magnesium and selenium concentrations as well as zinc/copper ratio in all T1DM subjects and male and female T1DM subjects. ac HbA1c concentration vs zinc concentration, df HbA1c concentration vs copper concentration, gi HbA1c concentration vs magnesium concentration, jl HbA1c concentration vs selenium concentration and mo HbA1c concentration vs zinc/copper ratio. a, d, g, j, m both sexes together, b, e, h, k, n male subjects and c, f, i, l, o female subjects. Black circles were used for the data that were correlated to HbA1c concentration, while white circles were used when the relationship was not significant. HbA1c concentration was positively correlated with plasma copper concentration in males (p = 0.0418) and with plasma selenium concentration in both sexes together (p = 0.0311), while it was negatively correlated with plasma magnesium concentration in both sexes together (p = 0.0040) and in males (p = 0.0067) and with the zinc/copper ratio in both sexes together (p = 0.0258)