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. 2020 Jan 31;8:22. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00022


Processes involving dynein in C. elegans one-cell embryos.

Processes (*1) Localization of dynein in action Other subunit involved Accessory proteins involved References
Oocyte meiotic spindle formation Gonczy et al., 1999
Attachment of the centrosomes to the sperm pronucleus Nuclear surface ZYG-12, SUN-1 Gonczy et al., 1999; Malone et al., 2003
Centrosome separation Nuclear surface, Cell cortex ZYG-12, SUN-1, GPA-16, GOA-1 Gonczy et al., 1999; Malone et al., 2003; De Simone et al., 2018
Oocyte pronuclear migration Nuclear surface DNC-1, DNC-2 ZYG-12, SUN-1 Skop and White, 1998; Gonczy et al., 1999
Sperm pronuclear migration and centering Cytoplasm, Cell cortex (*2) DNC-1, DNC-2, DYRB-1 LIS-1/NudE ZYG-12, SUN-1, RILP-1 Skop and White, 1998; Gonczy et al., 1999; Cockell et al., 2004; Kimura and Onami, 2005; Goulding et al., 2007; Kimura and Kimura, 2011
Nuclear rotation Cell cortex, Cytoplasm DNC-1, DNC-2 Skop and White, 1998; Gonczy et al., 1999; Kimura and Onami, 2007
Mitotic spindle formation LIS-1/NudE SPDL-1, Rod/Zwilch/Zw10 Gassmann et al., 2008; Simoes et al., 2018
Spindle displacement Cell cortex DYRB-1 PAR-2, PAR-3, GPA-16, GOA-1, GPR-1, GPR-2, LIN-5 Grill et al., 2001; Colombo et al., 2003; Couwenbergs et al., 2007; Nguyen-Ngoc et al., 2007; Fielmich et al., 2018
Spindle rocking Cell cortex GPA-16, GOA-1, GPR-1, GPR-2
Spindle elongation Cell cortex GPA-16, GOA-1, GPR-1, GPR-2

*1, In temporal order; *2, Antagonistic role, see text.