The simulations mimicking the comparison of depolarization-induced translocation of PKCγ and DGKγ molecules in the mutant and wild-type models of PCs. These results show the membrane-to-cytosol (M/C) ratio of PKCγ and DGKγ molecules in response to a brief 1-min pulse, which leads to the rapid generation of DAG in the membrane compartment. Here, the strength of stimulation is controlled by setting the pulse parameter “S1” at 20. The generation of the second messenger, in turn, stimulates the translocation of both PKCγ and DGKγ from cytosol to membrane. Here, the solid line represents the non-stimulation and the dashed line represents the stimulation condition (green dashed line, mutant; red dashed line, wild-type PCs). (A) The translocation characteristics of the PKCγ molecule in both mutant and wild-type models. These results suggest that for identical strength and duration of stimulation, the cytosol-to-membrane migration kinetics of PKCγ molecule are much faster in mutant models compared to wild-types. Compared to wild-types, the membrane residence time of PKCγ molecule is shorter in mutant models, i.e., 7.2 s for mutant and 18 s for wild-type models. (B) The translocation characteristics of the DGKγ molecule in both mutant and wild-type models. These results show that the membrane residence time of the DGKγ molecule is shorter in mutant models compared to models representing wild-type PCs.