Figure 3.
Fine mapping summary and phylogenetic analysis of candidate genes controlling the Raa1 locus. (A) Haplotypes delimiting the genomic regions controlling the Raa1 locus in population 70349 (region 1), 5394 (region 2), and 5392 (regions 3). Genotyping scores to draw this figure were extracted from Supplementary Table S11 . The white bars indicate the heterozygous haplotypes (H = Aa) and the gray bars indicate the homozygous recessive haplotypes (B = aa). Region 1 represent the genomic sequence delimited by the nearest markers flanking the Raa1 locus across regions 1–3. Numbers on the right side of each bar represent the number of recombinant genotypes for each haplotype. (B) Schematic representation of carrot chromosome 3 containing regions 1–3 and three SCPL acyltransferase genes (green boxes). The scheme was drawn to scale. (C) SCPL phylogenetic clade IA extracted from the neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis of SCP and SCPL proteins presented in Supplementary Figure S5 . Bootstrap values are percentage from 1,000 replicates. The scale bar indicates 0.1 substitutions per site. Clades are labeled according to Fraser et al. (2005). Two clusters of carrot SCPL-ATs are highlighted, IA-1 (red) and IA-2 (blue). Protein sequences and complementary information are presented in Supplementary Tables S4 and S5 . Red circles indicate SCPL genes located within the Raa1 locus. Purple circles indicate the following functionally characterized SCPL-ATs. Six SCPL-ATs from Arabidopsis thaliana: AtSCT, sinapoylglucose:choline sinapoyltransferase; AtSMT, sinapoylglucose:malate sinapoyltransferase; AtSAT, sinapoylglucose:anthocyanin sinapoyltransferase; AtSST1 and AtSST2, sinapoylglucose:sinapoylglucose sinapoyltransferases; AtFPT1 and AtFPT2, flavonol-phenylacyltransferases. BnSCT1 and BnSCT2, from Brassica napus. LpGAC, glucose acyltransferase from Lycopersicon pennellii. AsSAD7, sinapoylglucose:sinapoylglucose sinapoyltransferase from Avena sativa.