Fig. 2. Impact of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on performance and enzyme usage.
a We modelled how each response variable (different colours in the figure) was impacted by extrinsic factors and their interaction (rows in the figure), and b showing the effect of intrinsic factors and their interaction. The t-statistics associated with each factor are shown, with positive/negative t-statistics indicating a positive/negative association between the factor and the response variable. Only those factors that were retained in the best model are shown. Non-significant interactions that were not retained for any factor are not shown. A full explanation of the statistical modelling is given in the Supplementary Methods. Non-linear trends are indicated by the square of the variable (e.g. Shannons2); detailed definition of the extrinsic and intrinsic factors (Shannons, Robustness, Phylogeny, etc.) are given in the Supplementary Methods. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.