Characterization of iPSC-Derived NCSCs
(A) Schematic outline of directed differentiation toward neural crest lineage. Reproduced from Hackland et al.17 (B) Representative bright-field images of NIBSC8 iPSCs at days 0 (pluripotent), 3, and 7 of NCSC differentiation. (C) qPCR data from day 7 differentiated iPSC-NCSCs for expression of key NCSC and pluripotency genes. The fold change in expression relative to the day 0 pluripotent control is shown (relative quantification [RQ]). n = 3 biological replicates per line; error bars represent ± SEM. (D) The NCSC markers HNK-1 and p75 were detected by flow cytometry for undifferentiated pluripotent H9 ESCs, NIBSC8 and NIBSC35 iPSCs, and NCSCs (after 7 days of differentiation) and compared with an isotype control (negative control).