Histograms of estimates in each voxel within the tube for (a) spectrally flat with mean of 90.3%, (b) spectrally varying background with mean of 91.6%, and (c) spectrally varying with depth-dependent fluence correction with mean of 88.8% obtained using linear inversion at 620/920 nm, 700/820 nm, and 700/820 nm, respectively; estimates for which the ratio shown in red and in black. Notes: vertical line indicates true oxygenation of 90%; there are no estimates for which for the spectrally varying background (uncorrected) due to severity of spectral coloring of fluence; note the scale change on vertical axis between flat and various backgrounds. These wavelength pairs yielded the most accurate estimates of all pairs examined. represents the mean of the estimates all voxels enclosed within the entire tube and is termed the global mean .