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. 2020 Jan 23;22(1):e16775. doi: 10.2196/16775

Table 1.

Survey items.

Construct and items Loadings Cronbach alpha
Attitudes toward information security policy .86

I believe it is beneficial for our organization to establish clear information security policies, practices, and technologies.a 0.891

I believe it is useful for our organization to enforce its information security policies, practices, and technologies.a 0.756

I believe it is a good idea for our organization to establish clear information security policies, practices, and technologies.a 0.884
Subjective norm .93

People who influenced my behavior would think that I should follow the policies and procedures and use the cybersecurity technologies.a 0.844

People whose opinions are important to me would think that I should follow the policies and procedures and use the cybersecurity technologies.a 0.955

People whom I respect would think that I should follow the policies and procedures and use the cybersecurity technologies.a 0.952
Perceived behavioral control .79

I am able to follow the cybersecurity policies and procedures and technologies (eg, antivirus, or other products).a 0.665

I have the resources and knowledge to follow the policies and procedures and use the cybersecurity technologies.a 0.917

I have adequate training to follow the policies and procedures and use cybersecurity technologies.a 0.850
Intention to comply

I intend to follow the information security policies and practices at work.c 1
Collective felt trust .77

Management lets me have an impact on issues they find important.a Dropped

Management does not feel the need to keep an eye on me.a 0.773

Management would be comfortable assigning me a critical task, even if they cannot monitor my actions.a 0.735

Management believes that employees can be trusted.a 0.688
Trust in technology—reliability .95

The cybersecurity software at my workplace (eg, antivirus and firewall) is reliable.a 0.897

The cybersecurity software at my workplace does not fail me.a 0.939

The cybersecurity software at my workplace provides accurate service.a 0.893
Trust in technology—functionality .95

The cybersecurity software at my workplace has the functionality I need.a 0.946

The cybersecurity software at my workplace has the features required for my tasks.a 0.929

The cybersecurity software at my workplace has the ability to do what I want it to do.a 0.909
Perceived information security risk .93

At my workplace, the risk to my computer and data from Internet security breaches isd: 0.704

At my workplace, the likelihood that my computer will be disrupted due to Internet security breaches within the next 12 months isd: 0.918

At my workplace, the chance that my computer will fall a victim to an Internet security breach isd: 0.967

At my workplace, the vulnerability of my computer and data to Internet security risks isd: 0.910
Workload .82

I feel that the number of requests, problems, or complaints I deal with at work is more than expected.a Dropped

I feel that the amount of work I do interferes with how well it is done.a 0.588

I feel busy or rushed at work. (R)e 0.916

I feel pressured at work. (R)e 0.818

aStrongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree.

bNot applicable.

cSingle-item measurement; strongly agree, agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, disagree, strongly disagree.

dExtremely high, somewhat high, neither high nor low, somewhat low, or extremely low.

e(R): Reverse coded item; always, most of the time, about half the time, sometimes, never.