Pathology of distal organs is not significantly different among strains. Gross pathology of the kidney, liver, and lungs from infected rabbits. Representative images of (A) WT, (B) mur2, and (C) SSA_1099. The pathology scale used for scoring (Supplementary Figure S4) was derived from Kulhankova et al., (unpublished), and organs were scored by three blinded investigators. (D) Mutant strains did not exhibit distinct organ pathology compared to WT. Kidneys and liver exhibited moderate pathology on average, characterized by rare, small lesions evident on the surface. By contrast, lungs generally exhibited more severe pathology characterized by multifocal hemorrhaging and necrosis evident on one or both lobes. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA against the WT mean and controlling for the FDR. Error bars represent the standard error.