Figure 5.
Geographic and epidemiological characteristics of the city of Cambé. The mean income distribution over the census tracts, showing the urban nuclei: downtown Cambé, Ana Rosa, Industrial and Novo Bandeirantes (A). The mean Breteau Index evaluated at February 2014 and April 2014, just before the 2014 outbreak (B). The HSUs where the patients were treated are presented as blue circles, as well as the number of patients treated over the census tracts (C). The accumulated data, from August 2012 to September 2014, regarding the dengue incidence considering only the census tracts with 5 or more patients (D). The spatial density of dengue patients (DV+) as a heatmap, highlighting the peripheral neighbourhoods with highest incidence: Parque Residencial Manella, Jardim Ana Eliza (II and III), and Conjunto Habitacional Morumbi (E). The main neighbourhood in downtown Cambé (Centro) is presented for comparison. The spatial density of patients negative for dengue infection (DV−) as a heatmap (F).