Figure 7.
Feeding and grooming activity is altered in LgDel mice. Behavioral activity recorded via CleverSys Inc., HomeCageScan system. All animals were recorded for 72 consecutive hours and subsequently analyzed in 24-hour bins. Each bin was plotted for all animals along with SEM and mean values (WT, N = 5; LD, N = 5). Compared to WT mice, LgDel mice had a significantly higher drinking frequency (A), longer drinking duration (B), higher eating frequency (C), and longer eating duration (D). In addition, grooming frequency occurred at a significantly higher rate for LgDel mice compared to WT animals (E); however, grooming duration was not significantly different between groups (F). Non-oromotor behaviors, such as walking (G), come down duration (H), and duration of hanging vertically from a cuddled position (I), did not differ between the LgDel and WT mice.