Table 1. .
A priori cognitive constructs
A priori cognitive construct | Associated cognitive test(s) |
Episodic memory | WMS-IV Logical memory (immediate and delayed) |
WMS-IV Verbal pairing (immediate and delayed) | |
Processing speed | Trail Making task A |
Verbal fluency | CFLˆ |
Working memory | Trail Making test A minus Trail Making test B |
Reasoning | Raven’s progressive matrices |
KBIT-2 non-verbal scoresˆ | |
Verbal ability | Shipley vocabulary subtest |
KBIT-2 verbal scoresˆ |
Note. We composed a priori constructs based on the methods and construct categories of Chan et al. (2014). Scores for the tests associated with each construct were converted to z-scores and averaged with other tests associated with the same construct. Tests whose scores are normally adjusted for age are indicated withˆ. Since we are interested in age effects, we performed the z-score conversions on the raw scores instead of the age-adjusted scores. WMS = Wechsler Memory Scale; CFL = verbal fluency test (letters CFL); KBIT = Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test.