Fig. 3. Relaxivity (reported as “per Gd” value), transmetalation, and metal selectivity studies of ProCA32.CXCR4.
(A) Relaxivity assessment of ProCA32.CXCR4 and GBCA with 60-MHz relaxometer; ProCA32.CXCR4 has 8 to 10 times higher r1 and r2 values than clinical GBCA. (B) Transmetalation study of ProCA32.CXCR4 and other GBCA in the presence of Zn2+. Thermodynamic index of ProCA32.CXCR4 incubated at 37°C with Zn2+ was 0.96, which is better than ProHance (0.93) and Gadovist (0.95). (C) Metal (Zn2+, Ca2+, Gd3+, and Tb3+) binding affinity and metal selectivity values of ProCA32.CXCR4 in comparison with clinical contrast agents. N/A, not available; PEG, polyethylene glycol.