Figure 8.
Stability of S1 latent dynamics during feedback control. (a) We trained decoders to predict movement kinematics from S1 activity. (b) Average correlation of aligned (CCs; red) and unaligned (Pearson’s r; orange) S1 latent dynamics for all pairs of days from Monkey P (single dots: pairs of days; lines: linear fits). The aligned latent dynamics have higher correlations across days than the unaligned dynamics, almost as high as within-day (gray). (c) Normalized similarity of the aligned (red) and unaligned (orange) S1 latent dynamics. N: number of across-day comparisons. (d) Normalized predictive accuracy for decoders based on the aligned latent dynamics (blue) and recorded neural activity (green) when tested on a different day. *** indicates P < 0.001, two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Error bars: mean ± s.d. N: number of across-day comparisons.